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Summer Field School [Online] on Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management
19-28 September 2021 | Virtual
To build the capacities of future leaders (researchers, students, practitioners and scholars) we have announced a 10-days international program namely FSc MER 2021 or “Summer Field School [Online] on Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management” on 19-28 September 2021. The natural ecosystems in mountain areas are crucial for the existence of humankind on this planet. The proposed program is to cover the contexts of mountain regions globally i.e., Himalayas, Alps, Andes, Rockies, Karakoram, Pamir, Carpathian, Fuji, Caucasus, Mount Kenya, etc. This program will be conducted for international participants in English language covering the contemporary current topics on the following broad areas: (1) Mountain Ecosystems; (2) Freshwater Ecosystems; (3) Forest Ecology; (4) Grassland Ecosystems; (5) Biodiversity Conservation; (6) Wildlife Management; (7) Ecotourism; (8) Park-People Interface; (9) Participatory Resource Management; (10) Watershed Management; (11) Sustainable Agriculture & Organic Farming; (12) Agro-Biodiversity; (13) Transhumance & Pastoralism; (14) Livestock Production; (15) Mountain Livelihoods; (16) Mountain-based Conventions; (17) SDGs & Mountains; (18) Mountain Sustainability; (19) Climate Change and Mountains. Elaborated details of our program can be seen on dedicated website
This global program is co-organized by 63 universities, institutions and organizations belonging to 20 countries.
Purpose of the Program FSc MER 2021
This international training program examines the mountain ecosystems in contexts of human development and natural resources, principles of managing natural resources, and governing the resources for sustainable conservation. Depicting on case studies from a wide range of the current natural resources across the globe, the program considers how different social, political, economic and cultural and gender aspects compete for and sustain the natural resources in mountain ecosystems. The program also examines how environmental activists and their interventions conserved parks, energy, water and land in the face of climate variability basing on a gender perspective. The program will consider how the current international and development system elaborates and processes to sustainably manage the available natural resources in mountain landscapes. The program aims at equipping researchers, students, practitioners and teachers seeking learning about mountain ecosystems and sustainable development, with practical approaches, knowledge and skills necessary for meeting challenges of sustainable use of natural resources globally. This international training program will be executed in partnership of various academic and practice-oriented organizations.
Eligibility for Admission
The FSc MER 2021 is specifically designed for the following:
· Young teachers
· PhD students
· Research scholars
· Early career practitioners
· Degree or Diploma students
· Other having interests
Potential participants having education in the subjects like Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Geography, Anthropology, Conservation Biology, Agriculture, Forestry, Human Ecology, Resource Management, Economics, Wildlife, Water Science, Tourism, Animal Science, Cultural Studies, and allied subjects may join the program.
Duration & Deadline
19 – 28 September 2021. The program is proposed to take place in online mode. See the website for the deadline for applying.
Participation Procedure and How to Apply
All interested applicants are suggested to read carefully the variety of information placed on the website On the webpage ‘APPLY NOW’, various steps are explained elaborately. At the time of applying online, the Delegate Participant applicant will have to pay an Application Fee of USD 19 through credit or debit card. Learner Participants need not to pay any fee (it is free), and the application form is available on the link The Delegate Participants will not only receive a Certificate (issued by 63 partners & collaborators) but also many other benefits, while the Learner Participants will receive none except access to the online classroom.
Partner Institutions & Collaborators
Number of Sessions, Lectures and Faculties
Number & Diversity of Participants [as on 31 July 2021]
More Information
Team Capacity Building
The Grassroots Institute
⚡#MSCA CALLS NOW OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS on the Funding & Tenders portal:!kvjmH9
🟢Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021
🟠Doctoral Networks 2021
🔵MSCA & Citizens #EuropeanResearchersNight 2022-23
🔴International Cooperation 2021
Oferta de burse de studii și specializare acordate în baza documentului de cooperare bilaterală în domeniul educației dintre România și Republica Armenia.
🔎Mai multe detalii aici:
Programul LIFE – primele apeluri au fost lansate:
📌nature & biodiversity
📌circular economy and quality of life
📌climate change mitigation and adaptation
📌clean energy transition
🔎Pentru a pregăti participarea puteți viziona sesiunile video de informare:
Proiecte de cercetare postdoctorală – PD2021
Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea tinerelor echipe independente (TE)
Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie (PCE)
Mai multe detalii aici:
A fost aprobată lansarea competiției pentru Proiecte de cercetare “ERC – like” 2021.
Cererile de finanțare se depun continuu, până în data de 30 octombrie 2021, prin intermediul platformei on-line
Mai multe detalii aici:
UEFISCDI, host of the Open Science Knowledge Hub RO and the Romanian Programme Operator for the Research Programme under EEA & Norway Grants organizes the on-line international workshop “Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe – rhetorics and practices”.