Proiecte de cercetare – Apeluri deschise V2

Proiecte cu finanțări internaționale

Call nameType of actionOpening dateDeadline dateMaximum budget per projectType of applicantEligibility conditions *Institutional approval
ERC Synergy Grant (ERC-2025-SyG)HORIZON-ERC-SYG HORIZON ERC Synergy Grants11 July 202406 November 202410.000.000 EUR / 6 yearsNo specific eligibility criteria regarding the academic training are required for Principal Investigators
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage: Innovative tools for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined dataHORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions18 June 202422 January 20256.000.000 EUR Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage: Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and Organizing dataHORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions18 June 202422 January 20254.000.000 EUR Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage: Innovative tools for advanced data enrichmentHORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions18 June 202422 January 20256.000.000 EUR Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage: Innovative tools for high-value interactions with visitors and heritage objectsHORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions18 June 202422 January 20254.000.000 EUR Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations
A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage: Innovative tools for the study, conservation and restoration of heritage objectsHORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions18 June 202422 January 20254.000.000 EUR Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from nonassociated third countries or international organisations

* The eligibility conditions listed here are presented selectively. For all eligibility conditions, please go through the competition information pack

Proiecte cu finanțări UEFISCDI

Call nameOpening dateDeadline dateMaximum budget per project
PNCID IV SP 5.2.2. Proiecte de mobilitate pentru cercetatori (MC)25 septembrie 202431 octombrie 202422.000 RON
PNCID IV SP 5.8.3. Proiecte complexe bilaterale cu Republica Moldova25 septembrie 202431 octombrie 2024750.000 RON


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